Penobscot River
List of Penobscot River Fishery Laws,
Anecdotal descriptions of Penobscot
River fisheries, 1722-1850.
Description of Pre-Dam and Post-Dam
Commercial Fisheries, 1869.
1791 Petition of Inhabitants of
Penobscot River protesting overfishing of salmon.
Map of Lower Penobscot River, c. 1820.
of Chief John Neptune to Maine Gov. William King, July 11, 1820.
1821 Petitions by Penobscot River
commercial weir and driftnet fishermen.
1821 Petition by Chiefs of the
Penobscot Indian Tribe.
1821 Petition by Penobscot River
and Bay weir fishermen.
1821 Petition by Foxcroft residents
asking for exemption from fish passage law.
1838 -- Fight for Fishways.
1838 Petitions by weir and net
fishermen in Camden, Frankfort and Bucksport.
1839 Petition asking for enforcement
of fish passage laws and opposing exemptions.
Petition asking for repeal of all Penobscot fish preservation laws.
1844 Petitions against repeal
of all Penobscot fish preservation laws.
1848 Communication of Penobscot
River Fish Warden, Benjamin Shaw.
1880 -- Description of Atlantic salmon
poaching operations.
1883 -- Description of increasing water
pollution in Penobscot drainage.
1884 -- Dynamiting of the East Branch
Spawning Grounds.
1932 Report of Commissioner of Sea
and Shore Fisheries.
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