Androscoggin River

"To the Legislature of the State of Maine assembled in Augusta, 1835

The time was when salmon and other fish ascended the Androscoggin River and its tributary streams; but since the erection of numerous dams across said river at Topsham, Lisbon and other places, without such regulations as to permit suitable passage way for fish, the Inhabitants of the Country bordering on said River have been wholly deprived of this luxury, as well as necessary, with which nature had before bountifully supplied them. Your Memorialists beg leave to suggest that they humbly believe things ought not so to be; and may your honorable body to pass such enactments or provisions as will remedy the evil and extend to them the same privileges & blessings as are enjoyed by other sections of the State under like circumstances."

Chas. L. Eustis
Adam Knight
Isaac N. Stanley
Chas. T. Chase
Ebenezer Goode
Dan. D. Torrey
Moses Blanchard
Wm. Brock
Phineas Brown
Stephen Jenkins
Cyrus Eustis
H.M. Eaton
Samuel Putnam
Joshua Knox
Eben Allen
Harvey Wait
Lewis Stowell
John A. Newton
Charles Fox
Daniel G. Taylor
Simeon Taylor
Hezebiah Taylor
Ebenezer Burgen
F.T. Benson
Moses Carlton
John E. Roffe
Harris Stevens
Otis Baker
R. Ray
Wm. Richardson
Caleb Eastman
Louis Abbott
Samuel Bunker
Isaac Gleason
David Blanchard
Grosvenor P. Farwell
Daniel Ponte
John Simpson
Rufus Bunker
Elijah Deane
Joseph Hall
John Stockbridge
David Abbot

Signature page of document also reads:

"Petition of Charles L. Eustace et als. praying for the passage of an act to provide for fish to ascend the Androscoggin River.

House of Representatives, Feb. 27, 1835

Read and Referred to the Joint Standing Committee on Interior Fisheries. Sent up for concurrence. James Cilly, Speaker.

In Senate February 27, 1835.

Read and referred in concurrence.

Josiah Pierce, President."

Source: Original Document on file at Maine State Archives, Augusta, Maine. Legislative GY (Graveyard). 1836. A27 RO1 7-2. Box 101.

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